Pandemonium Irrupts at a Canada Bar & Nightclub

Pandemonium irrupts during an exclusive party held in Canada and the reality podcast rap star DJ Blingg and his CT.3 album & LP were to blame.
The party was said to have been at a disclosed bar & nightclub causing an uproar of excitements once his LP — Big Booty Judy clashed the sound waves.
Exclusive video shows the packed out venue took by surprise once the drop from the bass took an outburst of untapped frequencies which caused a wild and noisy packed out venue to its highest extent.

The podcast rap DJ was said to not have been in attendance but was said that he was quite enthused with the reaction from hip hop's genres. DJ Blingg and his new bonus tracks entitled "Put You on Game" along with "Big Booty Judy" & a few of his skits, all and which he said would drop with release to his all- new deluxe tape Chicken Talk 3.0: Baby Cook Project (Remastered) tape was delivered to his catalog.

Never Cook
with Dirty Dishes
or Else
You Might
Whip up a Bird!

