New Pastor Troy “In The Air” produced by @djsqueeky_ From The Album #EnemyOfTheState Only Available On PastorTroy.Com

Hip Hop Rap Artist Pastor Troy Makes a Big Come Back After Delivering His Brand New Album “Enemy Of The State”

Order Album Exclusively at PastorTroy.Com

”So, If You Want To Hear My New Album #EnemyOfTheState The Digital Album is Available On PastorTroy.Com Exclusively For Now!!! I’m just gone tell y’all straight up, I’m not a FAN Of Streaming At All!!! I came from an Era where indie artist like myself were making $7-$8 wholesale...Selling 40k-50k Albums, Twice a year. We was getting MONEY!!! Now, The Powers That Be Want US artist to put our music, On Their Platforms and Give Us Pennies On Our Product, and give access to any and everybody to judge and critique it whether they are Fans or Not. You can’t Go On @Youtube and Post under my Music “It’s Alright...” when you’re listening for FREE!!! I bet you would have a different appreciation for it, if you spent your hard earned money to buy it, like I spend to produce it. I’m not with that Game no more, I make music for people that want to support me. Listening to my Album a couple times on Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal ain’t doing nothing for Us Independent Artist Like Myself. You can BUY The Full Album on ITunes, but NO STREAMING!!! It takes 1,500 streams to equal 1-10 Track Album Sale. That’s not the figures I got into this game for. That’s not the Math for me....So long story short, short story long...Gotta Go To PastorTroy.Com To Hear MY SONGS!!!”

Pastor Troy - Vice Versa