Boosie Bad Azz Step Down on Da Pattycake Man for Mixing up "Boosie Juice" Concert Date
Boosie Bad Azz reportedly jumps ship after producer & active team blogger DJ Blingg gets the "Boosie Juice" concert date mixed up.

Boosie big launch party is set for Thursday, Sept 7, 2017, in #TUSCALOOSA, DJ Blingg's home state of #Alabama, It's said Dj Blingg unapologetically posted an IG promo for the event with the wrong date saying the event was set for the 17th of Sept on a Sunday.
Some people are hysterical about the post saying Dj Blingg is obnoxious and wants to take money out Boosie's pockets, others think it was just an honest typo.