Boosie BadAzz spotted on Instagram rocking the ‘All-Red’ GTMG Air Jordan 12, Hashtagged #syndicateshit #shoestupid #hadtoget3pair

Everyone has a dream shoe, who don't wanna be apart of Michael Jordan’s signature sneaker brand. Leaked images are circulating on social media of the 'All-Red’ Jordan 12's sneakers.

DJ Blingg's dream Air Jordan 12 sneakers has finally come to its forefront. Rumors have it, there could be an ‘All-Red’ GTMG Air Jordan "Flu Game" 12 sneakers on the way soon.
Numerous sought-after drops including Drake’s “OVO” collaboration, the original “Flu Game” Colorway, and November’s “Deep Royal Blue” release just to name a few have caught the attention of retailers and consumers across the world.
This particular Jordan brand has unmistakably been considered footwearnews.com Air Jordan sneaker of 2016.

Related Post: DJ Blingg Tell Us Why The "Flu Game" Air Jordan Xll Retro Are One of His Favorite Sport Sneakers

It’s important to note that due to the early nature of the leaked image, it’s said that this pair doesn't officially have a release date or that it may be altered before making its way to retailers.

Related Post: DJ Blingg Tell Us Why The "Flu Game" Air Jordan Xll Retro Are One of His Favorite Sport Sneakers