RELATED POST: DJ Blingg Still Bidding on His Studio Project "Chicken Talk" Stream & Download Exclusively

DJ Blingg releases another one of his new self produced tracks entitled
"It's O'right" exclusively with BlastFM Blog & Radio. After revealing just days ago that he was back in the studio working on his new follow-up project titled Chicken Talk 2, it's said that the track could be the kickoff single for the entire project and dedicating the record to his mother whom he speaks to have dealt with his rebellious ways as a youngin molding his craft into what it's known for today.

(Yay or Nay)? let us know what you think by dropping a comment down below in the comment tab, is it a banger or not; check it out for yourself.
↓ ↓ Stream below ↓ ↓
Stream New Music Exclusively: It's O'right - Prod By
DJ Blingg for GTMGR